“And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”
Matthew 16:18
Our History
1924 – Church originally organized as the 2nd Colored Baptist Church under the leadership of The Reverend W.M. Pickens, Pastor of the Morning Star Baptist Church of Holt.AL. The Church called The Reverend J.R. Jones as its first Pastor.
1925- After the resignation of Reverend Jones the following men served as Pastor: Rev. J. H. Martin, Rev. Moses Finch, and Rev. J. W. Shelton.
1933- Upon the resignation of Reverend J. W. Shelton the Church called Reverend Virgil Spencer as it’s 5th Pastor. During Reverend Spencer’s tenure the Lord added to the Church such as needed to be saved and another edifice was erected. Upon the resignation of Reverend Spencer the Church the following men were called to the Pastorate: Rev. H.C. Rhone followed by Rev. O. V. Mosley.
1944- After Rev. O.V. Moseley’s resignation the Church called the Reverend J. H. Summerville as its eighth Pastor. Thus began what is known as the “Summerville Era.” Rev. Summerville pastored the Church for 35 years. Under his leadership many of the current ministries and departments were organized. A native of Gordo Alabama Rev. Summerville was held in high regard by his ministerial peers.
Reverend J. H. Summerville
1958 - God continued to add to the church and a new edifice was constructed (the current Fellowship Hall).
1960 - Pilgrim Rest was blessed to host the Alabama Baptist State Convention.
1979 - Upon the resignation of Rev. Summerville the Church called the Reverend Abraham Smith as its ninth Pastor. Rev. Smith at the time was a student in residence at the University of Alabama and would later matriculate at the ITC in Atlanta and Vanderbilt University. His gentle and loving spirit endeared him to the congregation and made him a model to future church leadership. During Rev. Smith’s tenure the church Constitution was written and the church moved from bi-weekly to weekly worship services.
Reverend Abraham Smith
1989- Upon the resignation of Reverend Smith the Church the church called Rev. Richard Adams to Serve as interim Pastor.
1990- In December of 1989 the Church called the Reverend Aaron L. Dobynes, Sr. as its 10th pastor. Reverend Dobynes though an Alabama native had been serving as Pastor of the Pleasant Plain Baptist Church of Virginia. Rev. Dobynes was a passionate, gifted and charismatic man of God. While Pastor he was constantly in demand for Sunday evening engagements. He made it his business to be a friend and brother to all aspiring clergy. Rarely was a pulpit chair vacant for Sunday Service. During his tenure the Church was led to greater awareness of its responsibility to the Alberta Community. Later in partnership with the late Reverend Sylvester Croom of the College Hill Baptist Church Reverend Dobynes formed the Alberta neighborhoods first Community Development Association.
Reverend Aaron L. Dobynes Sr.
1992 - In May of 1992 Reverend Dobynes resigned and the Reverend Richard Adams was again called to serve as Interim Pastor. In November of 1992 the Church called the Reverend Leander C. Jones to serve as its eleventh Pastor.
1993 - Reverend Jones began serving as the eleventh Pastor on the 1st Sunday in January 1993. Ironically his path to ministry and the pastorate was influenced by his predecessors: Reverend Smith and Reverend Dobynes. Under Reverend Jones’ leadership great emphasis has been placed on the role of missions, discipleship and Christian Education. Increased member training led to the creation of a Membership Manual covering the church covenant, rules, bylaws and procedures. Deacons Family Ministry was instituted to assist the Pastor in the care of the flock.
1999 - Reverend Jones presented the Church with a new vision for the coming century stating that with our continuing growth a new edifice was needed.
2009 - March of 2009 the Church marched into its new facility across the street from the old sanctuary.
2011 - An F-4 Tornado strikes Tuscaloosa destroying much of the Alberta City community. Damage to our facilities were minimal enabling us to serve as a distribution center for the needy. Sadly during this decade many of the old guard leadership from the Summerville, Smith and Dobynes era’s were called to their eternal rest.
The Lord continues to bless Pilgrim Rest through the leadership she has received over the course of almost 100 years. We faithfully remain a body of baptized believers in Christ, edified and ever ready to serve the Lord, His Church and the Community. Exalt, Edify and Evangelize!